letters to lily

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Hi Lily. (And friends of Lily.)

This is your baby book. As much as I can manage, here is where I'm keeping down what you are like as a baby and what we, as your parents, are going through. Rather than try to put them in a book and lose the book and forget what happened, here it is safe on the internet where it can embarrass you for years. But I thought it would be good to have one central resource for whay the three of us are going through together so that everyone who is interested can find out, when they want to, rather than me dragging on and on about teething or mashed banana or whatever. I'll try to periodically update it on big things that have happened to you and our family in the past, too, so that you know what you've missed out on so far and are all caught up. And, of course, there will be little parenty soapboxes that I'll probably want to stick in about politics or manners or something. In five and a half months, we've become fairly good at understanding one anothers needs and this is just another extension of that.


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